Ever had a headache you wished you could cure without taking tons of painkillers? Having a headache could be one of the worst things to deal with at home. It could reduce your productivity, make you uncomfortable and could be an indicator of a worse health condition. Headaches come in different types and, therefore, as a result of different factors. Although there are various medications recommended for them, in this article, we’re going to be showing you a few simple ways to treat them at home.
1. Get Adequate Sleep
Lack of or inadequate sleep has been discovered to cause headaches (and migraines, in certain severe cases) in people. Medical practitioners recommend an average of eight hours of sleep every night. If you’re constantly getting less than that, it could be unhealthy for you. When you have a headache, first consider taking a break and getting some sleep for a couple of hours. If it’s a headache caused by a lack of rest, sleeping would either fix it or alleviate it.
2. Reduce or Turn off the Lights
If you have a headache, try dimming or turning off the lights totally or moving to a place that is dark. This also includes staying away from other forms of sharp lights like your phone or computer. Exposure to bright lights for an extended period could cause severe migraines.
3. Stay Hydrated
Not taking enough water could also be a cause of headaches. If you’ve been out working and haven’t had enough time to drink some water, take a few minutes off to get some. Staying hydrated is one of the ways by which you can reduce a headache at home. Besides water, you can also focus on taking foods and fruits which are rich in water as often as possible.
4. Use a Cold Pack
If you’re having a banging headache, using a cold pack would, a lot of times, reduce the pain. You can create your cold pack by putting some ice in a bag and wrapping the bag with a piece of cloth. The best places to apply this are on your forehead and at the back of your neck. Do this for about 10 to 15 minutes at intervals.
5. Massage
Massages are an effective way of reducing the effects of stress. If you have a headache caused by stress, massaging specific parts of your body like your shoulders, back, temples and neck could help reduce a headache. You can employ the services of a professional masseuse or simply get a family member or friend to do it for you. You do not also have to wait till you have a headache before getting a massage. A regular massage could constantly keep you healthy and away from migraines by easing your stress levels.
6. Try Essential Oils
Essential oils provide both an effective and natural way of getting rid of headaches. They contain compounds which contain elements that alleviate migraines. Some of the most popular essential oils include Lavender and Peppermint oil. A lavender essential oil can be applied by either being inhaled or placed on the upper lip while Peppermint oil should be applied to the temples.
7. Yoga
Studies have found Yoga as one of the most effective ways to reduce stress and pain and improve the quality of and outlook on life. Since stress could be a huge trigger for headaches, practicing Yoga is, no doubt, one way that headaches can be alleviated. Also, practicing Yoga over a period greatly reduces your stress levels and reduces the chances of headaches.
8. Heat Pack
Applying heat to your neck or to the back of your forehead has just a similar effect as applying a cold pack. You can achieve this by using a warm cloth or taking a warm bath. However, stay away from this remedy if you’re currently nursing a condition that requires you to avoid extreme conditions of cold and heat.
Final Note
While all the remedies on how to treat headaches at home that we have listed above could be effective, it is also important to note that should the headache persist even after trying a number of them, always check in with your doctor for medication and pain relievers.
If you or anyone you know needs care, please visit our website for information or contact us at (732)-964-0062.