Summer is here, and with it comes many days spent basking in the sun. As pleasant as it seems, too much sun exposure can easily harm your skin and do long-term damage. The UV rays emitted by the sun have been shown to cause sunburn, age skin, and are linked to melanoma, a deadly skin cancer. Protect yourself and your family by following these tips whenever you go outside.
The best line of defense against the sun is not one most people would think of. To prevent the effects of UV rays on your skin, most medical professionals would recommend avoiding direct sunlight as much as possible. This could mean staying in the shade, using a sunhat or umbrella, or wearing light, loose-fitting clothing that covers your arms and legs. Essentially the rule of thumb is, the less contact the sun has with your skin, the better.
However, staying 100% out of the sun isn’t entirely possible, especially during this time of year. This is why it’s also important to keep sunscreen on you. Sunscreen works as an added layer of protection on your skin by deflecting UV rays. It can be applied as a lotion or a spray. A sunscreen’s Sun Protector Factor, or SPF, tells you how effective a sunscreen is. When deciding which brand of sunscreen to use, try and use those with higher SPF for better protection. As a benchmark, a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 tends to block 97% of UV rays. Some cosmetics do have SPF built into their formula but aren’t good substitutes for actual sunscreen. However, be aware that regardless of SPF that you must reapply sunscreen regularly, especially if you’re spending a lot of time in the sun or going swimming at the beach. It’s best to reapply sunscreen every 30 minutes or after contact with water in order to protect yourself from sunburn.
What if I still get sunburnt? Accidents happen sometimes, and we all can’t be perfect in our application of sunscreen. If you do have sunburn, apply an after-sun lotion or gel with aloe vera in it. Aloe vera helps soothe the skin and prevent it from peeling. Do not use any irritants such as perfume or scented lotion as that will damage the skin even further. Don’t be tempted to peel your skin yourself either; instead, allow it to come off naturally and be gentle when showering/dressing to prevent infection. Next time, especially if you’re prone to sunburn, reapply sunscreen more often and be sure that you’re covering all exposed skin when you’re outside.
With these tips, you and your loved ones can go and enjoy the beautiful summer weather. Keep in mind to stay hydrated and take care of your skin; it’s the largest organ in your body and protects you from the outside elements. Always wear sunscreen no matter what time of year and enjoy the beach!
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