May is Older Americans Month, which is overseen by the Administration for Community Living (ACL). This year’s focus is on how older Americans can focus on maintaining their independence and increasing their involvement within their communities. As our loved one’s age, they are faced with physical changes and/or challenges that could limit their ability to be active in their lives; these changes can negatively impact one’s mental health and overall well-being. Here are some ways to get our seniors to be involved and interact with the community.

Share Stories

Each year on this planet, we experience a multitude of life events and changes that define us. In this respect, seniors are a great resource for information about history, personal experiences, and other anecdotes. Arrange for your loved one to read or tell stories at your local community centers, such as the senior center or library. Encourage the youth in your community to interview and interact with the elderly to hear their life experiences. Story-sharing is a good way to build relationships within the community; these kinds of interactions benefit everyone and can help mitigate the stresses of isolation and loss of independence that comes with aging.

Organize Events

An event is a great way to foster interaction within the community, share resources, and forge relationships between others. Isolation is a major contributor to age-related depression; hosting events within your or your loved one’s community may be beneficial in mitigating these effects. Hosting a game night, having a musical performance, or just even hosting a potluck get-together can serve as an opportunity for your seniors to contribute and get involved with their community.

Group Projects

Contribution to a project can foster independence and improve well-being, particularly if you have trouble remaining self-sufficient when you’re older. Have your loved ones contribute their talents to a larger work within their community: these can include mosaics, bulletin boards, and gardens. Studies have shown that elderly people tend to live longer and more contently when given a sense of responsibility, such as taking care of a plant. Helping your loved ones regain control over their lives can help ease the anxiety of aging and other changes that are out of their control.

‘Age My Way!’  is the theme for this year’s Older Americans Month. Help your loved one age their way by forging opportunities for them to interact with others and share their life experiences. If independence is an important factor in your elderly family member’s life, at-home assistance is a great way for your loved one to get care without being in a facility. Elite HomeCare is ready with a staff of HHAs, CNAs, LPNs, and RNs eager to help you and your loved ones with daily activities without leaving the comfort of your own home.

If you or anyone you know needs care, please visit our website for information or contact us at (732)-964-0062.